Why choose World Class Piano Gallery for your next piano purchase? Well, if you've read all our reviews, you already know. We currently have over 14,000 followers on our Facebook page. You don't pay us until we deliver the piano. If you don't like it, we load it back up, and you pay nothing. It's that simple! We offer free delivery within 1000 miles of Atlanta GA. (in home, set up, and done by OUR CREW, and NOT an outside contractor). We give you the first tuning free. We give you a warranty on EVERYTHING we sell. Usually 3 years. It's a common sense warranty that, simply put, covers whatever might go wrong with the instrument. If it breaks and it shouldn't, we fix it. Period. Finally, we offer you a 100% trade-up guarantee for life. We encourage you to price shop us, and compare our offers to other dealers, and even to privately owned instruments on the market. We are UNMATCHED in what we offer our customers. Check our Facebook reviews. Check our Google reviews. Then, call us! We would love the opportunity to earn your business!
CALL US ANY TIME AT (706) 936-4058 with any questions!
World Class Piano Gallery
280 Nelson Street
Cartersville GA 30120
( 7 0 6 ) 9 3 6 - 4 0 5 8
Offizieller Vertragshändler von
Mason & Hamlin, Brodmann
Klavierhändler/Klavierstimmer seit 26.02.2018
World Class Piano Gallery LLC
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 30120 Cartersville, 280 Nelson Street
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