Pianos verticales Essex en venta
A continuación se muestra la lista de los 5 pianos - Essex
If you have ever looked for Steinway & Sons instruments, it is very likely that you have also seen Essex and Boston pianos in the store. For some people this will come as a surprise, but this is one family of instruments. Steinway & Sons pianos are exclusive instruments, and their owners are usually wealthy, professional pianists and institutions. To meet the needs of those who cannot afford Steinway & Sons instruments, the company decided to create pianos based on their own technology, but built at a much lower cost. This is how the Boston and then Essex brands were born. The creators’ idea was to produce high quality instruments in various finishes available at a lower price than American "Steinways". They were designed by Steinway & Sons in America together with designer William Faber. The result of this collaboration is pianos available both in modern style and in interesting finishes in continental or French style.
Essex upright and grand pianos are currently produced at the Pearl River factory in China, while previously they were manufactured by Young Chang in Korea (2001-2005). Initially it was a very small number of models, but after 5 years from the start of production - in 2006, several dozen different upright and grand pianos appeared in the Essex line.
Currently there are 2 models of grand pianos and 4 models of upright pianos in different finishes:
EUP-108 42″ the smallest piano suitable for beginners
EUP-111 44″ small size classic piano
EUP-116 46″ full-size piano with significant sound
EUP-123 48″ largest Essex piano, similar in size and modelled on Steinway V
EGP-155 5′1″ Steinway S size - baby grand piano
EGP-173 5′8″ piano comparable in size to a Steinway M
If you are interested in the Essex or Boston brand, click on the link and read the article we placed at the bottom of the page for more information.