Upright pianos Hamilton for sale
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Hamilton studio piano by Baldwin
Hamilton Piano Company - a company founded in 1889 in Chicago, Illinois under the name The Hamilton Organ Company by Dwight Hamilton Baldwin. A few years later, when they began manufacturing pianos, the name was changed to Hamilton Piano Company. The Hamilton name is one of the many brands that Baldwin has launched over the years. Nearly half a million Hamilton studio pianos have been sold since the model was launched in 1939 by the Baldwin factory. This piano is one of the most popular studio pianos, it has been designed primarily for schools, churches and homes. Shortly after the inauguration of Hamilton-type pianos, World War II broke out, the factory started producing for the military (including wooden plane wings). Hamilton studio model is 45" (114cm) high.
The most popular model is called B243 Hamilton Studio.
The popularity of the Hamilton piano upright owes primarily to the quality of workmanship and thus durability. These extremely durable instruments are still in very good condition despite many hours, years of practice and use. For many years Hamilton pianos have been manufactured mainly by hand in the American Baldwin factory and it is these instruments that I am writing about. These pianos were designed to meet the requirements and intensity of use in institutions. What is important and unique about Hamilton pianos is that you can easily open the entire front of the piano case for a fuller sound and a wonderful wide sound. It is not insignificant that Hamilton models mostly have a very long music stand, useful for learning longer pieces. The Baldwin factory moved its production completely to Chinese factories in 2008 (Zhongshan). Hamilton pianos are still in production.
The name Hamilton is also used for the Chinese production of Hamilton grand pianos (since about 1985). Perhaps it is a reference to Hamilton grand pianos that were produced at the no longer existing piano factory in Chicago Heights, IL.
Perhaps you are wondering how old your Hamilton piano is?
Finding the Hamilton piano serial number will help you in finding out the age.
Serial numbers for Hamilton models built by Baldwin:
1940-132000 1964-212312 1984-387119 1941-133000 1965-219866 1985-394421 1942-133900 1966-226950 1986-401172 1947-135000 1967-235564 1987-408032 1948-138000 1968-243877 1988-414349 1949-140000 1969-251111 1989-421896 1950-142300 1970-258837 1990-427993 1951-145800 1971-265623 1991-435212 1952-149000 1972-272308 1992-440915 1953-152000 1973-279076 1993-445623 1954-156200 1974-287616 1994-450198 1955-160686 1975-296876 1995-454696 1956-165711 1976-304497 1996-459495 1957-168400 1977-312534 1997-464403 1958-176707 1978-321020 1998-469198 1959-182561 1979-331232 1999-474091 1960-188249 1980-343950 2000-477951 1961-194308 1981-356043 2001-481890 1962-199523 1982-366819 2002-483743 1963-206669 1983-377078
If you are looking for a Hamilton piano for sale, be sure to check out the Klaviano search engine. You can also find out how much more or less instruments in different conditions and age are worth.