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Används, Yamaha, C7
Senast tillagd
år: 1982 Längd: 227 cm
Land: Storbritannien Staden: Mansfield
Företaget/ Verifierad säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
år: 2000 Längd: 227 cm
Land: Belgien Staden: La Hulpe
Privat säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
Perfekt pris
år: 1980 Längd: 227 cm
Land: Italien Staden: Lecce
Företaget/ Verifierad säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
år: 2000 Längd: 227 cm
Land: Storbritannien Staden: Mansfield
Företaget/ Verifierad säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
år: 1974 Längd: 227 cm
Land: USAStaden: College Park
Företaget/ Verifierad säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
år: 1979 Längd: 227 cm
Land: Tyskland Staden: Oberkirch
Företaget/ Verifierad säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
år: 1989 Längd: 227 cm
Land: USAStaden: Lilburn
Används, Yamaha, C7
år: 1985 Längd: 227 cm
Land: Tyskland Staden: Oberthulba
Företaget/ Verifierad säljare
Används, Yamaha, C7
Längd: 228 cm
Land: USAStaden: Charleston

For generations of pianists, technicians and dealers, Yamaha’s mid-range pianos have achieved benchmark status among mass-produced instruments. These pianos, for years, represented a high level: of quality, performance and value. Lesser known brands aspired to this level and were often bought as replacements for instruments costing twice as much as those offered by Yamaha.

In recent years, Yamaha’s flagship models marked with the letter C have been replaced by CX models. However, the irreplaceable Yamaha C7, with its timeless design and superb unique sound, will forever be part of history.

Is the yamaha C7 a good choice?

The Yamaha C7 is the most sought-after piano in recording studios in the United States. It is a mainstay on concert stages and in the studios of serious musicians around the world. It has a wonderful balance of sound. It is one of the last Yamaha pianos whose keyboard is covered in ivory. Please note that it is currently impossible to use such raw materials in musical instruments.

The instrument has a powerful sound with depth, the piano has been muted to a moderately warm tone. When played gently, you will get gloomy, dark tones. But if you show energy, it opens up to brilliant tones that can envelop even larger spaces with rich sound. This is what the Yamaha C7 is known for.

Pick the Yamaha C7!

If you are looking for a top-notch semi-concert piano, this is one of the best pianos you can find on the market. Yamaha C7 is undoubtedly one of the flagship instruments of this brand. The described instrument is most often used in churches or concert halls, but it must be admitted that this model also works well in the recording studio.

When it comes to sound, the Yamaha C7 will find itself perfectly at home in any musical genre. It is an incredibly versatile instrument, which at the same time does not lack unique style. In practice, this means that the yamaha c7 will always sound good and will undoubtedly take the sound of your songs or concerts to the next level.

Yamaha C7 - Specifications

Width: 149 cm
Weight: 409 kg
Length: 227 cm

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