Many of us think about buying a piano and are faced with the choice of what piano to buy – digital, classic or maybe acoustic? The digital piano definitely has its advantages, it is lighter, has pre-recorded sounds of many instruments and the ability to record and practice on headphones. Moreover, it has a weighted and dynamic keyboard and there is no need to tune it.

Personally, as an advanced pianist, I think that digital instruments do not suit me. I bought a digital piano while I was studying at the Musical Academy in Poznań, because the situation forced me to do so. I had to buy such a piano due to the fact that I was living in a flat with other tenants and it was difficult to get a room for practicing.
But I wasn’t happy with the choice I made. Why?
First of all, I didn’t like the artificial sound coming from the speakers. The keyboard is in fact dimensional and balanced, but it certainly does not give such comfort and it does not respond to the impact of touch like a key from a keyboard in an acoustic piano.
In my opinion, a digital piano is still a hundred times better than a keyboard, but is far from reaching the sound of a classical piano. Top-class digital pianos are definitely closer to perfection. For me, however, nothing can replace real sound, strings and a soundboard of a classical piano.
Personally, I recommend classical and acoustic pianos for those who are learning to play the piano. Especially for children who are just beginning to shape their musical sensitivity and their playing technique. However, I understand the convenience of digital pianos and I know that sometimes it is the only option. If you asked me for advice, the choice is clear and obvious, but you make the final choice.